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2-05-2015, 13:03
fallout 3 point lookout

Point Lookout - fourth addition to Fallout 3. It was released on the Xbox 360 and PC June 23, 2009.
In the south, the game world, on the west bank of the Potomac River, is a deserted beach. With the addition is added to the dock with the ferry. If you buy a ticket for it, then you can go into a huge swamp, where the events will unfold. There are waiting for a hero new quests, items, and monsters, as well as new abilities. The area is about the size of a quarter of the Wasteland. As for its location, it is part of Maryland, is not as affected by nuclear war, the same as the Capital Wasteland. In addition, if the Capital Wasteland present some semblance of a civilized society, like the pre-war America, there is widespread belief in cannibalism and black magic.
In addition there is a new weapon (the hard drive, double-barreled shotgun, a shovel, a microwave transmitter, an ax and a canister with a biological gas), clothes (outfit Schuler, overalls, clothes savage costume repairman) and headgear (Confederate cap, mask Tiny Killer, Police cap)...
Author: Admin
Category: Fallout 3
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