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morrowind walkthrough pc

Report Kai Kosadesu
Once the game begins, you will find yourself in the hold of the Imperial ship for transportation of prisoners. Talk to your neighbor in the chamber and call him his name. Shortly thereafter, you will guard and orders to follow him, follow everything he says. On the pier you will meet another guard. After talking with him, you will be prompted to choose your character's race, gender, face and hair. Try to make your choice was meaningful, it is a very major impact on the game. If you have any doubts, refer to the manuals.
Once you confirm your selection, click the pier into the building and talk to the man at the table. He will ask you to fill out paper, which will indicate your class and sign under which you were born. If you doubt my choice - refer to the manual. After confirming your choice, take the paper from the table and follow through the door on your left...
Author: Admin
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