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2-05-2015, 13:03

Fallout 3: Point Lookout

fallout 3 point lookout

Point Lookout - fourth addition to Fallout 3. It was released on the Xbox 360 and PC June 23, 2009.
In the south, the game world, on the west bank of the Potomac River, is a deserted beach. With the addition is added to the dock with the ferry. If you buy a ticket for it, then you can go into a huge swamp, where the events will unfold. There are waiting for a hero new quests, items, and monsters, as well as new abilities. The area is about the size of a quarter of the Wasteland. As for its location, it is part of Maryland, is not as affected by nuclear war, the same as the Capital Wasteland. In addition, if the Capital Wasteland present some semblance of a civilized society, like the pre-war America, there is widespread belief in cannibalism and black magic.
In addition there is a new weapon (the hard drive, double-barreled shotgun, a shovel, a microwave transmitter, an ax and a canister with a biological gas), clothes (outfit Schuler, overalls, clothes savage costume repairman) and headgear (Confederate cap, mask Tiny Killer, Police cap).
Several months have passed since Chris Bane destroyed the mobile base Enclave. In Heath became calmer, and sighing about losing Liberty Prime paladins remembered the oath and duties. Baz they no longer storm, but the water carried about on a regular basis. Gradually, the dead land filled Aqua Pura, albeit insignificant portions of radiation, but retreats. Everyone understands that this hard work is almost useless, but it must be someone to do something. Multiple savior Chris Bain Capital Wasteland was more worried about the huge charred hole in the cloak ...
point lookout quests

Like in the good old days ...
He stopped for the night in some shack south of Kommonvels. Stroenitse looked dilapidated and abandoned, but it was a bed and sleep on the street, Chris pretty fed up.
However, two hours later he was awakened, and very rudely - a shot from a plasma gun. Molten clot burned in a raincoat, the bed and the wall almost perfectly round hole, and only an extraordinary knack upasla Chris from the same hole in his body. The next moment he jumped to his feet and crushing blow "fist" to send the opponent into a deep knockout.
... It seemed that the old man saw the war with his own eyes, he was so old. Dirty plaid shirt, blue pants shabby - just plasma weapons did not fit with the view unassumingly. Chris put the energy pistol in his pocket and splashed in the face of an old man with water.
- What ... Who are you? What do you want in my house ?!
That's it! Shack something was inhabited, and the owner, of course, is not liked intruder.
- Sorry for the intrusion, the old man, but you could make it clear that my presence is not desirable as a less flame. So, you know, and can kill. - Chris slowly walked across the small room, looking at his failed killer who without weapons more like a tramp or a drunk.
The old man turned pale:
- I'm sorry, son, I thought it was another raider. Their bulk in the district, and indeed only a wasteland of evil not rushing ... I've been in my life such navidalsya that you and a nightmare do not dream. You have it, do not be angry, huh? And give the gun, but you see how I do without it ...
Chris bent over the prisoner, looked in his eyes and honestly say:
- The gun is not I'll give. Up in the morning I am still far, and I'm not going to wander in the dark. And where is the guarantee that you will not charge me stabbed in the back? No, your toy until I lie down, but I promise, before you leave, I'll give it to you, and even throw in some money. I'm not greedy. You'd better tell me this is what - there is a primus stove, or you have there? I want to boil the water, I have a little clean, without radiation.
On wrinkled face reflected poor guy all his nemudrenyh thought. Believe unexpected visitors reasons were not: those who run hither and on wasteland, kindness and generosity peculiar rare, but on the other hand, if the guy wanted to kill him, he would have to do twenty times, with his own weapon. And what with him, the old bastard, get it? Only it, that gun, but her dear guest, and so wins. And some water it would be desirable ...
- Well, it's ... I've got a kerosene stove, how not to be - hesitantly said the old man. - Right now, I bring it outside in taynichki stashed. Wait a bit, or whatever you want, let's go together.
He was jerked toward the door, but Chris besieged it:
- Well, hold your horses. - He took a blaster aliens. - You see that's the product of extraterrestrial technology?
- What ?!
- Ugh ... The gun is, all right? Alien. Powerful - your plasma compared to it is like a slingshot. Vytvorit pleases some crap, and by your head, even memories will remain. Will you behave - you will live. The general idea? Then go. You're the first.
They left the hut, went around it, and went down to the cellar. The old man fished out from the pile of rags kerosene burner and a couple of pieces of dried meat of dubious origin. One piece he handed to Chris and said, "Here you go, son. You understand, I tell you something evil I do not want, but caution is never excessive. Otherwise, I would then not until his years doskripel. " Meat Chris mentally grinned, took, but they came back in the same order - first the old man, and then he.
Not sleepy. The incident with the plasma dispersed all sleepy stupor, and the old master like and was not going on the side, even on the contrary, somehow revived. Longing, seen on the simple human communication, and the night visitor appeared sympathetic listener, show sincere interest in the tales of the old goners. Chris was, however, his views - as long as the old man weaves his story, he, at least, do not throw out.
- Wasteland - a son, a place where every creature on the pair! - The narrator's eyes flared brighter than the fire in the hearth. - What's your mutants, ugh, eka prodigy, but everywhere is full of them, and here I saw the boat! Three hundred years ago, such commercials went on the Potomac River ... - He laughed stridently saw genuine surprise on his face Chris. - What do you think if I lived all my life off the beaten path, and very dark, like a rat's ass? I am, you see there, know how to read, and those steamboats on the cards seen. So, I'm going to somehow On the river bank, I glance whether where the crab eggs to eat hunting - the passion, and suddenly I saw smoke above the water! Well, I think, whether blind in his old age, or mad imperceptibly jumped. Rubbed his eyes - no, smokes like dymilo. Later considered that the steamer, but not empty, of course. Well, curiosity before I was born, I cry, saying that from where you are so beautiful painted? The captain and yells back that they go out of a Point Lookout, go and see what kind of a hole like that. Here crab crawled out of the water, and I just do not to this pelvis was fuming. Maybe she to this day on the river smokes air. I would go, my son, checked, eh, what kind of a Lookout? I'm too old for such ploys, and you at the time.
Honestly, Chris not too quick to believe him. Well, the ship can pass on the Potomac across the Capital Wasteland? Yes, it is already halfway capture mutants with laser rifles and pistols, and even worse than that ... However, although the years Chris was smaller than the old man, and yet he managed to see a lot of things that no wise man never dreamed of. And creepy and unusual and fantastic - all. Maybe it was true in this strange story of a ship steaming ...
- I thought - he said aloud. - And now let's sleep. And mind you, I sleep sensitively, so no tricks.
The next morning he gave the old man his plasma toy donated hundreds of batteries, covers, and a little water. Spacey fallen on him from the unexpected wealth, and on what a guest really kept his promise and let him live, the old man sat down where he stood, mouth agape.
A restless wanderer moved along the Potomac River to the south ...
point lookout fallout 3

Clear swampy south
Bombs fell not everywhere. Well, what's the point in killing each Chinese rag American soil? Large cities - and those partially survived the war. Washington, Los Angeles, San Francisco, even more or less survived. Well, anyway, they are saying something left.
But in the wilderness, in the forgotten places before the disaster consequences of the war are felt differently. There was no explosion, but were radioactive rain and feeding these places the river itself became pure poison. However, as elsewhere, there were those who were able to move the radiation, hunger and disease. Someone lost last brains and now hiding in the swamps, waiting for unsuspecting strangers. Others rallied communities and invented a new gods. Still others mutated into ghouls, but not until the end of lost humanity, though were in the position of rogue. Anyway people survived gradually recovering, as best they could, the pitiful remnants of the former existence.
The gloomy, sad, alarming, as its inhabitants, the city - the embodiment of despair. Once there was very lively, but for hundreds of years of isolation is something subtly changed. These places are hostile to newcomers. They squint, burning eyes, whispering behind his back, discussing and trying to figure out how to teach a lesson. Just like that, for nothing. The city is sinking in fog, the coast is almost invisible, although the ship is almost at the pier, gray-black clouds delayed the sky impervious to sunlight veil. A fog is easily hide anything or anyone ... especially those who devised evil.
Point Lookout was a success. Whatever you say, but Bethesda is able to create the atmospheric environment. Broken Steel in terms of authenticity and immersion was a little weak, but in the southern marshes developers drew off in full. Secrets, mysteries and oddities here at every step. One has only to go out of town as we come to the place for some rituals. It is fenced with stakes and strung them on the head. It looks terrible, but if you look closely ... it turns out that the head a puppet. Anxiety retreats. Two steps forward, and it is clear that a head of the trees hanging rag dolls and around nothing but fog ...
On the shore you can see poluzatonuvshy ship. Two tablets Rad-X, a short swim, a serious dose of radiation unexplored and there, inside, under the hatch. We get down. The ship lies on its side, and from a small hole in the side has a trickle. The tides here, or what? Otherwise, the water would have stood here two hundred years, no less. But inside the ship it looks like a disaster happened a couple of days ago. Most likely, he was not drowned in the war, and by itself, and therefore preserved so well. Inside safe supplies with the simple command. They are already useless ...
But there is this designed atmosphere one negative aspect - proof association with Resident Evil 4. It also has a mysterious cult, eerie fog, hostile environment, the universal mystery, and this ... is a very popular American story about rednecks-southerners who live apart and generations of mixed blood, from which are born all sorts of geeks. Only here and I tried to radiation, so that monsters are even scarier. Too banal intonation of the story, and the first impression is poisoned.
In this town frozen in time really is life. She felt in the swamp smell homemade whiskey and rusty rifles repeater. The town of Point Lookout consists of secrets and mysteries. Here you do not notice as the legs themselves go with the story ... sorry trails only that this path, and all around very quickly ends. "One ticket to the Capital Wasteland, please ..."
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